====== Rush ====== * [[Rush - Freewill]] Kuriose Randnotiz in punkto Gotteswahn: In 2010 wurde eine Facebook-Gruppe gegründet, welche dafür beten will, dass Rush [[http://www.facebook.com/pages/Christians-praying-for-the-group-RUSH-to-accept-Jesus-Christ/130438680316595|auch dem Gotteswahn verfällt]] (Christians praying for the group, RUSH, to accept Jesus Christ). Das verwundert, denn Mastermind [[wpde>Neil Peart]] liess schon 2006 folgendes verlauten:
"You try to put your own way of seeing the world into some kind of congruence with other peoples, and that's difficult for me," he admits. "I mean, I see the world in what I think to be a perfectly obvious and rational way, but when you go out into it and see the way other people think and behave, and express themselves on church signs, you realize, 'Well, I'm not really part of this club.'" "I looked for the good side of faith," Peart says. "To me it ought to be your armor, something to protect you and something to console you in dark times. But it's more often being turned into a sword, and that's one big theme I'm messing with." [[wpde>Neil Peart]], [[http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003120134|Rush Wrestling With Faith On New Album]]